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Friday, March 02, 2012


Finally, Good News!

Good news

Yes, I have some pretty good news. Some of you may remember that I’ve had a chapter included in a couple of self-published books-and that was exciting. I’ve also had a few recipes in either 3-4 hardback cookbooks.

But this time, I was pretty surprised!

A month or so ago I was almost out the door when the phone rang and I decided to answer it. A nice woman told me that she had been trying to reach me via e-mail since Thanksgiving! I never received the e-mail. It’s out there in cyber-space with other notes that never got to those I sent them too and vice versa.

It was a last ditch effort (I’m not sure why calling me on the phone didn’t occur to anyone before, but I am starting to digress) and she was thrilled that I answered.

Seems she was/is an editor for the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” books. At first I wasn’t sure what was going on, as I started doing a couple of other things at the same time. Then I realized that this woman was telling me that “We want to include your story in our upcoming book on Married Life.”!

Suddenly I was paying a lot more attention. Honestly-I do remember submitting several stories to the site—about 4-5 YEARS ago. And I do remember reading something akin to “Don’t call us, we’ll call you”.

Didn’t think anything more of it, really. I remembered that I wrote the story of how Sunshine came into our lives, how Pepper infiltrated and one about becoming a grandmother, but I couldn’t for the life of me remember submitting one about married life!

I politely asked which story it was and she said it was the one about my husband re-decorating our bedroom. Evidently, out of 5,000 entries-I was one of the 100 chosen and everyone was laughing hysterically at my story.

Pretty exciting, no? I was telling my rheumatologist about this and he said, “This is a pretty big deal-these are internationally produced, right? You might hear from people all over the world.”

I hadn’t thought about that. I just thought, “Oh cool, I’m in Chicken Soup!”

As you know I post this on Friday, but on Saturday, I’m going to be a guest of the Chicken Soup editors and publishers for lunch. They’ve invited those of us in the Southern California area to meet them in person and enjoy the company of being part of the “family”.

My husband pointed out that gas prices being what they are-I’m losing a good-sized chunk of my payment to get there and back, but I don’t care. This is really exciting and I’m honored to have this experience.

The book comes out sometime around the middle of May. I know I’m getting 10 copies, but I am sure NOT going to miss the chance of walking into the B & N up the street and looking in the section with all the Chicken Soup books and pointing out to all the employees that I, local writer Carine, am one of the contributors.

Who knows, maybe someday soon I’ll get another call or e-mail telling me that one of the other submissions I wrote years ago will go into another book!

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