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Friday, February 12, 2010


The Cheesecake Factory's Share Your Love Story Contest

The Cheesecake Factory's Share Your Love Story Contest: "Check out the Share Your Love Story Contest from The Cheesecake Factory for a chance to Win a Week In Hawaii. Enter now:"  


There’s nothing like a whirlwind trip to make you enjoy your everyday life more.
Last week my husband, son, future daughter-in-law and I cram-packed my PT Cruiser and headed sort of east. Our first of three destinations happened to be Las Vegas for a bit of a business trip for both men. It was the annual Vegas Furniture Mart.

What is this you ask? Our son hit the definition on the proverbial head perfectly: It is Fashion Runway week for furniture. Yes, all the new trends in everything from artwork to lighting and furniture to mattresses are on display. It takes place at the World Trade Center. We made a mad dash through 4 floors of one building. Then the 4 of us and one of the other manager’s and his wife went out and did some window shopping.

Before we got there, while still on the road, my husband had a call from the company president inviting the two of us to dinner with him and the owners-I had a feeling this would happen, but hoped I wouldn’t have to dress up.

Ever try dressing up with one hand? Tisn’t easy McGee. Horrified at the prospect of showing up to dinner in a pair of leggings and a 6 year old sweater I told my husband to stop at the Primm Outlet Mall.

You’d think it would have been easy to find a dressy sweater this time of the year-WRONG. Took me 10 stores. It’s a nice tunic length, black and off the shoulder. Dinner went well-after I apologized for the sparse make-up job and made sure I kept my hot pink buddy under the table.

The rep and the President proceeded to take us to the VooDoo Lounge to do some partying and see the view. It was also the first time since my last broken bone to wear a real heel of any kind. I must say I surprised even myself-I lasted until almost 1 am! Our son and his fiancé joined the party around 10.
Friday morning we left for our daughter’s-first stopping in Flagstaff to see my best friend from middle and senior high school. That was an all too fast hour-we had to beat the snow storm and get to our next destination by dinner.

Arrived in Flagstaff to see my best friend from middle/high school. We had a great time hearing about each others lives. I think my son was flabbergasted that his mom was best friends with not only a heterosexual male, but one that got into some trouble as well.

Go figure I impressed him with that?

We surprised the grandkids at their pre-school. They were so excited that Aidan grabbed hold of his uncle and kept throwing kisses. I told him we were really here and we could kiss and hug for real! Dylan, our family clown (gee grandpa I wonder where he got that from?), started laughing hysterically and spinning around in circles.
After a progressive dinner (dinner then dessert), we finally got to our hotel. Next morning we were up before 7 and to Dylan’s first T-ball game by 9.

Fortunately, his uncle and aunt help get him from one base to another and to stay on his mark, cuz this new 3-year-old was not interested in playing the game, he wanted to entertain the crowd.

Next came the party and dinner. By the time we got back to our room and got to sleep, we found ourselves up and packed and out the door. Albeit with a lot more elbow room since we now had delivered several big gift boxes to their rightful recipients.

We met for an early brunch and then it was time to hit the road (again) and get back to the great OC in time to pick up our furry kids from their hotel.

For those of you who are wondering-we drove almost 1,000 miles during this trip. All of which was done by my husband who has a thing about being in charge of all things driving.
Monday morning-he was off to hold a training session in San Diego; I was off to Anaheim Hills for an appointment.
I’m not really sure where the entire week went-but I’m sure of one thing, we had a good time.

And now, I will bid you all adieu to take my dear husband to his colonoscopy.
Sunday is Valentine’s Day-we’re going to see an Elvis inspired musical.
May I wish you all a very romantic day of your own.

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